Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Activity at Astricon’12

During Astricon’12  I will be part of the Greenfield Technology team at the show, along with speaking I will be at the Kamailio booth during Astricon’12.

Astricon’12 is taking place in Atlanta, GA, USA, during October 23-25, 2012


Nir and I will be presenting at the event. I will be presenting on Wednesday, October 24, 2012, in the 11:40-12:15 time slot.

Presentation title:

Found in the wild: Telecom Fraud and Security Problems 


Last year's Security Panels at AstriCon brought examples from the audience (like: found and hacked in under 10 min. and $400k in fraud in 2 days). This year there are many new fraud attacks and audit horror stories and recommendations for you.
This session will review the security breaches of the past year as well as highlights of the most common problems found in security audits. The audience is encouraged to provide their own examples and jointly define solutions.

Also, Nir Simionovich will be presenting on Thursday, October 25, 2012, in the 10:00-10:35am time slot.

Presentation title: 

Asterisk Lock Down - Beyond Fail2Ban


Fail2Ban is a wonderful tool, but it is only one of many tools out there to assist in the protection of your Asterisk server. Some of these tools are so simple, that by utilizing very simple techniques, a complete lock down can be enforced. The session will share some methods that were deployed over the course of the years 2010 and 2011 and several locations and had proved to reduce the risk of hacking and fraud tremendously. 

Kamailio Booth

Along with speaking we will be at the Kamailio booth in the open source area. The Kamailio booth number is 20, if you are attending the show; stop by to learn about use cases of Kamailio and what is new in the project.